Budget Pie Chart

The Prince William Board of County Supervisors appears likely to raise taxes on data centers in hopes of making good on the promise that data center revenue will help to offset the county's residential tax burden.

In a related move, the board unanimously agreed to cut next year's real estate tax rate to 92 cents per $100 in assessed value. At that rate, the average tax bill will be about $26 more than the current year, according to county officials.

Before the change, under the most recently proposed rate of 96.6 cents per $100 of assessed value, the average homeowner’s tax bill would have seen a 5% bump, or an average increase of $243. The 96.6 cents figure is the current rate. 

The board's moves came in preliminary votes during a budget markup session Tuesday evening. Supervisors will give final approval to tax rates and the entire $1.7 billion county budget April 23. 

On Tuesday, board members said the residential tax cuts were made possible by the data center rate increase. County officials said the data center tax increase would generate an extra $54.7 million in revenue during the next fiscal year, while the real estate tax decrease would result in a $21.1 million reduction. 

The net effect of the changes -- an extra $33.6 million -- would be split with the county school system, under a longstanding revenue-sharing agreement, giving an extra $19.2 million to the schools and $14.4 million to the county. The extra revenue represents just under 2% of the entire county budget. 

The new budget will take effect July 1.

The data center rate hike will bring Prince William County more in line with its neighbors in how it taxes the tech hubs. Data centers currently pay a rate of $2.15 per $100 of assessed value on computers, but the board in a bipartisan fashion raised that rate to $3.70.

The move was approved with the backing of Democratic Chair Deshundra Jefferson, Democratic supervisors Kenny Boddye of Occoquan, Andrea Bailey of Potomac, Margaret Franklin of Woodbridge and Republican supervisors Tom Gordy of Brentsville, Yesli Vega of Coles and Bob Weir of Gainesville.

Neabsco Supervisor Victor Angry, a Democrat, was the sole opponent to the plan.

The data center rate increase was approved in the face of opposition from the local business community, which pleaded with the board not to raise taxes so quickly for fear of destabilizing some small businesses that aren't data centers.

Prince William Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Robert Sweeney said the move will affect more than 5,000 small businesses that will have to pay increased taxes on computers and peripherals, for which they last year paid an average of $253 under the current rate of $2.15.

“As a business community, we are frustrated and embarrassed that our Board of Supervisors would take a position to hurt over 5,000 businesses for less than $1 million in added revenue with less than 90 days’ notice,” Sweeney said in a letter to the board prior to the vote.

Voicing concern for small businesses, Franklin issued a directive for county staff to push for the General Assembly to exempt non-data center small businesses that will be affected by the tax hike.

But Boddye said he's not convinced all small businesses are against the move.

“I have talked to a few small businesses and small business owners who live in my district, and frankly they have told us, ‘Hey, if you scale back that real estate tax rate while doing the $3.70,’ they’re more than happy to pay a little bit more knowing that, again, the data centers will be paying their fair share,” Boddye said.

Angry did not explain his vote against the data center tax increase during the meeting. 


Ben Peters covers Prince William County government and politics. Reach him at bpeters@insidenova.com


(16) comments

Educated Patriot

I thought there were no benefits to data centers, and they would never provide any revenue.

Looks like the critics were wrong. Again.

Dale Dobacki

Actually dope, you were wrong. People do not mind data centers in the BOCS approved overlay. The previous BOCS with your comrade, Wheeler, ignored the overlay in a pay to play scheme that so many dems are involved in. And, Wheeler wouldn't make Data Centers pay the Loudoun rate because she had higher office aspirations that were snuffed out by the last election. You are still on idiot island by yourself.

Educated Patriot

Its a big island. Most NoVA workers rely on Data Centers.

Interesting to note Wheeler was the only pro-data center Supervisor that lost the last election.

At this point the Digitial Gateway can't be stopped. And PWC is running out of land to develop.

The next battle is the "rural" crescent. FYI. Most PWC voters don't live in the rural crescent.

Paul Benedict

We will see if the tax is ever really implemented. But the deterioration in the quality of life for all PWC residents is here permanently, including you, even though you may lack the intellect to understand it.

Educated Patriot

If PWC/NoVA is deteriorating, feel free to move.

Talk is cheap. Only action matters.

John Sebastian

The only thing your hyperbolic statement does is show your immaturity, again.

It's time for big tech to pay their fair share. I don't have any qualms with data centers when situated in the right places with the right mitigation (and I've said multiple times on here I prefer them to residential).

I'm glad I won't be looking at a 12% property tax increase this year and I'm thankful the BOCS is on the right track, but for a county that has rolled out the red carpet for development like Prince William has over the past several years, it shouldn't have even been in the realm of possibility.

Educated Patriot


Says the guy who won't name his county or his company yet brags how great they are.

Fortunately, you don't determine where data centers are built. They will continue to be mostly built on rural/undeveloped properties.

And they will be powered by solar, wind, and possibly nuclear development in very rural areas.

Fake Commenter

Perhaps it's the daily dose of chem-trails or the 5G signals in your community but it seems the loneliness of your windowless townhome surrounded by data centers must really be getting to you. Your constant effort for validity and authority on these comment sections shows how insecure and unaccomplished you truly are. Plus the terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Anyway keep the daily meltdowns coming

John Sebastian

"Says the guy who won't name his county or his company..."

I don't dox myself on a site where people I know IRL frequent, and I definitely don't dox myself to people as immature as you.

"...yet brags how great they are."

Pot, meet kettle. You're the biggest blowhard on this site. I don't mention my military service, post-graduate education, experience, etc. in nearly every post because I don't feel the need to. You do, which shows a level of insecurity.

Funny how once people started calling you out for your frequent diatribes on PWC articles you suddenly now own a rental property there, lol. Considering your use of alts and chatbots to write posts on here, I don't think anyone believes a word you say.

"Fortunately, you don't determine where data centers are built. They will continue to be mostly built on rural/undeveloped properties."

You don't say. Nearly all development is greenfield, whether they're data centers or not.

Peter Tomarkin

John, your posts made my day.

Master of the Cloud

Funny I was able to find Educated Patriot on LinkedIn. He gave us all the clues you needed. We are now networked.

Funny how John Sebastian, a tech guy, doesn't know Amazon uses Q, they don't own ChatBot. I work with Q.

Now you have enough information to find me. Lets see how you trolls do.

And no, I am not meeting you for drinks.

Peter Tomarkin

Wow, look at Ms. Amazon, she thinks as highly of herself as does EP! I’ll pass on her challenge, I have no interest whatsoever in finding who she is. Maybe EP can hook up with her, they can spend all night trying to one-up each other on who’s more important!

Ed Pa

$20 per month for the destruction of our open spaces. How much will electricity bills rise to pay for extra generating capabilities and who will pay to decommission these behemoths?

Bill Wright

Last night’s Board of County Supervisors meeting was the most encouraging in memory. There was a distinct citizen-centric focus to the comments from the dais as every supervisor’s discussion on the 2025 budget was couched in concern for citizen priorities and pocketbooks. It was as refreshing as it was surprising.

Thanks to Chair Deshundra Jefferson and our Board of County Supervisors for heeding the public outcry and raising the data center tax rate to its maximum permissible level. Their action sends an important signal that wealthy corporations will be subject to the same rules as citizens and small businesses.

The Board then followed-up with a corresponding reduction in the real estate tax rate, thereby delivering on a promise that had been a cynical tease for the last four years.

I give principal credit to our new Chair for the remarkable makeover. There is a more conciliatory tone that enables free exchange of ideas and reasonable compromises. But I also credit the other supervisors for wisely following her lead and steering the BOCS back in the right direction.

We’ve given the BOCS enough heat when they get it wrong, so let’s thank them when they get it right. Let the new Board know they’re on the right track at: BOCS@pwcgov.org

Bill Wright

There was discussion at last night’s BOCS meeting about distinguishing the computer and peripherals tax applicable to data centers from that applicable to small businesses.

The Code of Virginia Title 58.1-3506 allows localities to specifically break out data center computer equipment and peripheral taxes from other business taxes.

If Prince William County enacted an ordinance similar to the one Fauquier County recently adopted, that would alleviate the concerns for small businesses expressed by the Chamber of Commerce and still allow wealthy big tech corporations to pay their fair share.

ReEducated Parrot

Kaw kaw....no one will ever see that more Democrat b.s.. #bidenomics. Meanwhile your quality of life degrades and your home town is turned into a power plant. Progress. Kaw kaw...

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