I am writing to express my strong personal support for Jon Myers in his candidacy for Congress.

As this nation navigates complex geopolitical challenges, Jon’s national security background sets him well above others as the most qualified candidate to represent us in Virginia’s 7th District.

Jon’s extensive experience in national security is unparalleled. Serving under the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and co-authoring the National Defense Strategy for China, he possesses a deep understanding of the threats we face, particularly from adversaries like China. In today’s ever-changing global landscape, having a leader who comprehends the intricacies of national security is paramount.

Jon’s military experience is beyond reproach. He has operated at both the tactical and strategic levels of the Department of Defense, providing him with a comprehensive perspective on the challenges and opportunities of safeguarding our nation. While other candidates may have military experience, Jon’s strategic acumen uniquely positions him to make informed decisions that impact our national security.

Jon’s deployments across Africa, where he worked closely with and trained African militaries, demonstrate his commitment to strengthening our alliances and promoting stability on the continent. His firsthand experience in diverse and demanding environments underscores his ability to navigate complex international relationships effectively.

In times of heightened uncertainty and evolving threats, we need a leader like Jon Myers who brings unparalleled expertise and a steadfast dedication to our nation’s security. I ask my neighbors to join me in supporting Jon Myers for Congress.

– Bernard Rogan, Stafford

(3) comments

Artemis Clyde-Frog

Ha! No one cares.

Mike Paulson

Yeah, that's cool.

We don't need more military members in Congress. This opinion article is more like a OER bullet rather than selling a candidate who can appeal to the greater electorate.

You might as well get some Gruntstyle gear and eat some crayons.

John Dutko

I agree. There is a growing trend in the military of insubordination and treason.

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