Prince William police

The Prince William County Police Department received the top prize in a Virginia State Police program combating auto theft and related crimes.

Representatives of the state police’s Help Eliminate Auto Theft, or HEAT, program handed out the award for departments serving a population of more than 100,000 to Prince William County. The Henrico County Police Division and Newport News Police Department were also finalists in the category.

Individual and agency awards as well as certificates of merit were presented in both the “more than 100,000” and “between 20,001 to 100,000” population categories.

The awards ceremony was held earlier this year in Roanoke as part of the annual conference of the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police & Foundation.

The HEAT awards program is open to all Virginia law enforcement entities and employees who work in auto theft enforcement and prevention. It was established in 1992 to educate citizens and law enforcement about the theft of vehicles and vehicle parts. 

According to a HEAT news release, the program recommends the following safety tips:

  • Take your keys and lock your doors every time you leave your vehicle.

  • Never leave valuables in plain sight in your vehicle. Place them in the trunk or somewhere out of sight.

  • Be aware of your surroundings when out and about.

  • Park in well-lit areas.

  • Invest in an audible or visible deterrent.

  • Install GPS or other tracking devices.

For more information, visit Visit Virginia State Police online at



(1) comment

Wayne the Pain.

Nice job PWCPD.

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